This one was taken at Cooney Lake. Just as the sun was setting the wind died down and I couldn't resist filling my memory card. This one is one of my favorites.

This one was taken at Riverfront Park. Dawson and Keno sat beside the lake watching the ducks. Dawson Reached out to hang onto Keno, he was afraid he would go after the ducks. I used my software to make it look like an old time photo. I can't wait to print this one out.
 Mikah wasn't much of a poser, I tried everything to get her to look at the camera. I think she got tired of getting her picture taken and flopped down. It was perfect!

Keno kept tipping his head to the sound of the flash. It made for perfect posses. I wish I had taken out the folds in the new backdrop though, but fun practice.

I love this picture, hope you do too Nick!
After editing!


Here you go Nick, lets see if you can figure out where I took the background picture?

Love you Bro!

Cooney Lake Spring 2010


2010 Sunset off my back porch


Yellowstone Park  late summer 2010

Beartooth Pass

Cooke City spring
         2010   First Trip out with the sail boat to Lake Elmo
           ( I was glad I stayed behind to take pictures!)

2010  I really liked the reflection in the water, there was no wind at all but Rodney really wanted to put it in the water. He and Dawson paddled it around with their feet.

2010  Rodney and Dawson on the Hobie Cat.   (my favorite)
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